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The ACT Model BKR Premium Cement Retainer (W/L) is a wireline set, high-pressure retainer constructed of drillable cast-iron that uses Bolt, Elder, or Baker K-1 type setting sleeves and tension mandrels. Cement retrainers, It can be set on any Baker-type wireline pressure setting tool or pipe/coil tubing with an ACT Hydraulic Setting Tool. When set, opposing slips are located above and below the rubber packing elements.

This retainer is ideal for where squeeze cementing operations are being performed. Optional packing systems of Viton or Aflas are available on special orders. Special application tools can be custom-designed to fit your specific needs. After the ACT BKR Cement Retainer is set on wireline a BKR Seal Unit is required to perform the squeeze job. These seal units are available in two types, a locator seal unit or a snap latch seal unit. The sealing unit is installed on the bottom of the work string to control the two-way valve in the set retainer. Cement retrainers


The ACT Model BKR Premium Cement Retainer (W/L) is a wireline set, high pressure retainer constructed of drillable cast-iron that uses Bolt, Elder or Baker K-1 type setting sleeves and tension mandrels. It can be set on any Baker type wireline pressure setting tool or pipe/coil tubing with an ACT Hydraulic Setting Tool. When set, opposing slips are located above and below the rubber packing elements.

The packing elements are contained by rocker action back-up rings that eliminate extrusion of the elements at high temperatures and pressures. A one way ratchet lock ring retains the setting force applied to the opposing slips and rubber to maintain a pressure tight seal. One-piece slips keep the retainer securely set in premium grade casings including P-110.The slip wickers are sharp and hardened to the wicker depth only allowing the slip to grip the casing wall while maintaining a soft cast-iron inside for easier drilling.

It features a pressure balanced two way valve located in the bottom shoe. The operator controls the two way valve from the surface to hold the final squeeze pressure under the retainer or test tubing or keep hydrostatic pressure off the squeeze. Straight pick up closes the valve and set down weight opens the valve. This retainer is ideal for where squeeze cementing operations are being performed. Optional packing systems of Viton or Aflas are available on special order. Special application tools can be custom designed to fit your specific needs.

After the ACT BKR Cement Retainer is set on wireline a BKR Seal Unit is required to perform the squeeze job. These seal units are available in two types, a locator seal unit or a snap latch seal unit. The seal unit is installed on the bottom of the workstring to control the two way valve in the set retainer.


  • Drillable cast iron construction
  • Uses Bolt, Elder or Baker
  • K-1 Setting Sleeves
  • Wireline set on Baker Type
  • Wireline Pressure Setting
  • Tool Hydraulic set on ACT
  • Hydraulic Setting Tool
  • Small OD’s for extra
  • Clearance in heavy viscous fluids
  • One-piece slips set in premium grade casings including P-110 Rocker action back-up prevent rubber extrusion
  • Pressure balanced two way valve
  • Set down weight to open valve, pick up to clos
    Optional Mechanical or BKR-1 Bridge Plug conversion kits


The ACT Model BKR Lite Cement Retainer (W/L) is a wireline set, medium pressure retainer constructed of drillable cast-iron that uses Bolt, Elder or Baker K-1 type setting sleeves and tension mandrels. It can be set on any Baker type wireline pressure setting tool or pipe/coil tubing with an ACT Hydraulic Setting Tool. When set, opposing slips are located above and below the multi-durometer packing elements.

A one way ratchet lock ring retains the setting force applied to the opposing slips and rubber to maintain a pressure tight seal. One-piece slips keep the retainer securely set in premium grade casings including P-110. The slip wickers are sharp and hardened to the wicker depth only allowing the slip to grip the casing wall while maintaining a soft cast-iron inside for easier drilling.

It features a pressure balanced two way valve located in the bottom shoe. The operator controls the two way valve from the surface to hold the final squeeze pressure under the retainer or test tubing or keep hydrostatic pressure off the squeeze. Straight pick up closes the valve and set down weight opens the valve. This retainer is ideal for where squeeze cementing operations are being performed. Optional packing systems of Viton or Aflas are available on special order. Special application tools can be custom designed to fit your specific needs.

After the ACT BKR Cement Retainer is set on wireline a BKR Seal Unit is required to perform the squeeze job. These seal units are available in two types, a locator seal unit or a snap latch seal unit. The seal unit is installed on the bottom of the workstring to control the two way valve in the set retainer.


  • Drillable cast iron construction
  • Uses Bolt, Elder or Baker
  • K-1 Setting Sleeves
  • Wireline set on Baker Type
  • Wireline Pressure Setting
  • Tool Hydraulic set on ACT
  • Hydraulic Setting Tool
  • Small OD’s for extra clearance in heavy viscous fluids
  • One-piece slips set in premium grade casings including P-110 Multi
  • Durometer Packing Elements
  • Pressure balanced two way valve
  • Set down weight to open valve, pick up to close
    Optional Mechanical or BKR-1 Bridge Plug conversion kits


The Model BKR Premium Cement Retainer (MS) is a mechanical set, high pressure retainer constructed of drillable cast-iron that runs on an ACT, Alpha, Bolt, Elder or Baker K-1 type Mechanical Setting Tools. When set, opposing slips are located above and below the rubber packing elements.

The packing elements are contained by rocker action back-up rings that eliminate extrusion of the elements at high temperatures and pressures. A one way ratchet lock ring retains the setting force applied to the opposing slips and rubber to maintain a pressure tight seal.

One-piece slips keep the retainer securely set in premium grade casings including P-110.The slip wickers are sharp and hardened to the wicker depth only allowing the slip to grip the casing wall while maintaining a soft cast-iron inside for easier drilling. After the BKR cement retainer is set mechanically the squeeze operation can begin. It features a pressure balanced two way valve located in the bottom shoe. The operator controls the two way valve from the surface to hold the final squeeze pressure under the retainer or test tubing or keep hydrostatic pressure off the squeeze. Straight pick up closes the valve and set down weight opens the valve. This retainer is ideal for where squeeze cementing operations are being performed. Optional packing systems of Viton or Aflas are available on special order. Special application tools can be custom designed to fit your specific needs.


  • – Drillable cast iron construction
  • – Uses ACT, Alpha, Bolt, Elder or Baker K-1 Mechanical Setting Tools
  • – Small OD’s for extra clearance in heavy viscous fluids
  • – One-piece slips set in premium grade casings including P-110
  • – Rocker action back-up prevent rubber extrusion
  • – Seal Bores 1.345 (4-1/2 Thru 5-1/2), 2.000 (7″ & Larger)
  • – Optional Wireline or BKR Cement Retainer conversion kits


When drilling a cast iron cement retainer or bridge plug the same considerations should be used as when drilling a medium hard formation. Drilling with a medium tooth medium hard formation rock bit is usually the best combination. Spudding the work string and variations in rotary speed and set down weight should be used to aid in breaking up large metal parts and preventing bit tracking. One or more junk baskets should be used above the bit when normal circulation is employed. Bit – Medium tooth medium hard formation rock bit. Rotary Speed – 75 to 120 RPM is suggested.
Weight on bit – Apply 5,000-7,000 lbs. until top end of bridge plug or cement retainer body is drilled away, 4-1/2 thru 7 (3-5 inches) 7-5/8 and larger (5-9 inches). An additional 3,000 lbs. of weight can now be applied per inch of bit diameter to drill the remainder of the cast iron product. Example: 4-1/2 bit will use 9,000-13,500 lbs. of weight.
Drill Collars – Should be used for weight on bit and bit stabilization. Example: 4-1/2 thru 5-1/2 (8-min.) 7 and larger (12 min.). Junk Baskets – One or more junk baskets should be used above the bit. Annular Velocity – 120 feet per minute is suggested.